Your visit

A new approach to science

Espace des sciences is an organization dedicated to the promotion and the diffusion of scientific, technical and industrial culture to a wide audience.

Opening times


Tuesday to Friday from 12.00 to 19.00
Saturday & Sunday from 14.00 to 19.00
Closed on Monday and bank holidays


Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00
Saturday & Sunday from 14.00 to 19.00
Closed on Monday and bank holidays


Tuesday to Friday from 12.00 to 19.00
Saturday & Sunday from 14.00 to 19.00
Closed on Monday and bank holidays



Exhibitions 7 €
Labo Merlin 5 €
Planetarium* 7 €

*Except ‘Petit spationaute’ (5 €)



Exhibitions 5 €
Labo Merlin 4 €
Planetarium* 5 €

*Available to visitors under 26


Children under 5


Cash / Visa Card / Master Card

Getting here

Espace des sciences
Les Champs Libres
10 cours des Alliés

By bus & metro
Bus : C2 - 11 - C1 - 12 - C3
Metro : Charles de Gaulle or Gares stations

By train
Rennes SNCF Station at 300 metres approx.

By Bike and Vélo Star
Champs Libres, Charles de Gaulle, Gares - Beaumont or Gares - Solférino stations

By car
Parking Charles de Gaulle

Currently at L'Espace des sciences

Espace des sciences in Rennes offers four areas:

A permanent exhibition to understand how our brain works : Incroyable Cerveau.

The human brain, the seat of thought and personality, has always intrigued us and still gives rise to many misconceptions.
But important advances in neuroscience have been made in recent years, allowing us to better understand how our brain works. 
In the light of these recent discoveries, the exhibition unveils our brain’s incredible performance, to gain a better understanding of ourselves and how we interact with others and our environment.

Start your visit to the exhibition with the central “Neuromytho” quiz to correct our many misconceptions about the brain. 

Biology, Perception, Attention, Learning, Skills, Emotions…
Enter this amazing network and explore the incredible secrets of our brain!

Produced by Espace des sciences

Learn more

A temporary exhibition room, hosting two exhibitions a year.

Current exhibition : The tree, from small seed to old branch.

Trees surround us, but we only pay attention to them when we need to. And yet, like us, these living creature are born, grow, reproduce and die. And like us, they interact with other living creatures that share their habitat.

Enter a forest and look around you: multimedia, sensory games and hands-on activities help you rediscover the tree and all its riches: its biology, its diversity and its coexistence with humans. 

Produced by Espace des Inventions, Lausanne (Switzerland)

Learn more

Merlin's Laboratory

With 30 interactive modules, the Merlin’s laboratory is a space dedicated to sciences through hands-on activities.

An exploratory room that encourages motor skills, observation and using of scientific approach to play with shapes, images, energy, movement and air.

Discover a world that encourages curiosity and imagination.

Learn more

The Planetarium

A 95-seat auditorium with a hemispherical screen 14 metres in diameter, offering three to five sessions a day.

Learn more

Espace des sciences also organises conferences and discussions with a number of scientists at the Champs Libres.

Learn more